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Tx 4468c6d030364256a3e6d9751d26920ccd7ef538@57568804

Included in block 57,568,804 at 2021-09-19 19:53:12 (UTC)

4468c6d0 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

Raw transaction

expiration2021-09-19 20:03:06
title"We will all feel the weakness within us"
body"In the end, we will all feel weakness in this life. No matter how often we exercise and no matter how strong we are when we are young, in the end when we are old we will feel weakness. And not only about the power within us, but we all also have weaknesses and strengths within us. Because humans are not perfect, every human being must have weaknesses and strengths.
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What makes me say that we all have strengths and weaknesses. Nah! For example, have you ever seen people who don't have legs, but they can swim? I'm sure you've seen that on TV or on social media. They don't have legs that's their weakness, but they can swim, that's their strength. And many of what I see are humans who have legs but can't swim, that's the weakness of some people who have legs. And do you see people who are lame can't walk, but they can paint? I'm sure you've seen that. So their weakness is that they can't walk because they are paralyzed, but they have painting skills that sometimes some people who have hands and feet can't paint. So every human being has strengths and weaknesses.
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I think we live in this world only for a moment to enjoy youth when we still have a strong energy within us. And without us realizing it, we are getting older day by day, and our energy is getting weaker. In the end, we will all feel about our own weaknesses. So before you feel the weakness in yourself, what have you planned now? Do you want to spend your youth now before feeling the weakness in your old age? Or are you building your business now, so you can enjoy it later when you are old? Whatever it is, I hope you have built your business now, so you don't have to work so hard when you are old.
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Now I'm working hard to build my business, so I can enjoy it later when I'm old without having to work hard again. Because I remember that we will all feel weakness when we get old, and remember that we don't know when we will die, as I have written in the post [here.]( I try to invest my money in crypto, and I also trade in forex. So that I don't have to work hard anymore when I'm old, I have one daughter and a son. So my goal is to invest my money in crypto, so my son can manage it later when I get weak or die.
BTW, what is your goal of investing your money in crypto? Do you want to enjoy the benefits when you are old? Are you just a hobby to double your money? Or do you want your family to be able to enjoy and manage it later when you are old or dead? Whatever it is, hopefully you already have a plan for why you invest your money in crypto, because remembering we all will eventually feel weak when we get old. And remember that we never know when death will come. :)
<center><sub>Posted via [](</sub></center>"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD