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Included in block 70,323,617 at 2022-12-07 18:35:45 (UTC)

4aedb983 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2022-12-07 18:45:36
title"A Small Look Back, While Looking Forward :)"
Hey fellow garden nerds! Here it is at the beginning of December, and my garden is still here. With it's up's, and downs though. I was really hopefully I would have some Yellow Watermelons. With those dying, now I am just using what is growing as a way to satisfy my gardening bug. After my hiatus from growing cannabis, I have been supplementing it with the garden here at work. Although the season is basically over, I still have that itch. One that is going to have to be tended to real soon. Because with all these loses to the season, it is no longer sustaining. So hopefully within the next month I will be up, and running again with a micro indoor grow. But until then this experiment will have to do. Let me share a little what has happened, and what is currently going on for @gardenhive's [The Last Garden Challenge Of The Year](
Low, and behold! Here is what is left growing in December. You see everything is green, and wet? We have been having some good rain the past couple weeks! Which is very much what the state of California very much needs. Its been very much welcomed in the garden, and at my home with my little patch of grass. I love it when the weather is like this, since I am able to throw some seed down, and not worry about them drying out.
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We have had some warmer days since the last [update]( Which has helped ripen up the Tomatoes.
And the Habaneros. I know, this pepper plant is a champ! Still going strong since I first planted it [8 months ago](
There are still many more to come, but not so sure if they will amount to much. I am wondering if this will survive all the way through the next grow season. I will for sure leave it, until it is 100% done for.
Then remember when I first rescued these Pumpkins seedlings [2 months ago?](
There is a melon forming! I will not get my hopes up, but this one is a lot more mature then what was on the Yellow Watermelons, so it is a better chance.
The second Pumpkin is not as formed as the one that was first put in the ground. No melons yet on this one.
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Here is something that has been a bit of a surprise for me this grow season. You may recall [4 months ago]( when I harvested the ripened melons, and I had been ranting, and raving on how great it was that I composted a Watermelon, and they grew in the compost. Then I took a few seedlings, and grew them out. Well when I cut into one, anxiously expecting a pink juicy fruit, and then finding out it was a Squash! A Chilacayote Squash to be exact.
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A few weeks ago I was thinking I was going to get quite a full of Squashes, but due to the cold weather, I will be lucky if I get more then just this one. It is not quite mature yet, but this varietal is actually preferred when they are a little young, and tender.
The biggest highlight of the year for me was the Glass Gem Corn! The colors where just amazing, and the gloss really makes the kernels look like glass. I am looking forward to growing more next year, and hopefully find some different variations.
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I actually have two seedling of the Glass Corn growing now. However very slowly. It was worth a try, and maybe if it gets warmer soon, they will take off.
It was a surprise to find these mushrooms growing after the rains. It is telling me that my soil is healthy, or at least I hope.
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Another surprise was to see more Marigold popping up their heads! Hopefully I can get these growing wild here at work. That way more beneficial bugs will frequent the garden more often.
That is really all I have for today. I still have yet to act on the great tips for my gnat issue I got in the comments from my last [post]( However it has been cold, and I am leaving the door open in hopes it freezes them out. The only thing is the days have been getting really nice. Either way, it really isn't that much of a pressing issue. I for sure will not make the mistake of using this indoors like I did with the last batch. That got a little out of hand. Thanks for everyone who has taken the time to check out my posts this past year. Hopefully I can get a few more before then, but with the pace things are moving, it is doubtful. But you can always catch me in the comments! :)
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