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expiration2022-12-07 00:13:00
title"Some considerations about the organization of the study"
body"<div class="text-justify">Dear readers, when you are studying at any level it is important to maintain study habits that allow you to meet the expectations that require the evaluation that is performed to diagnose learning. But sometimes, when moving from one educational stage to another, they need a period of adaptation, as a personal example, I place the experience we have had with our son José Ernesto, who advanced from primary to secondary education, finds himself with a greater amount of subjects and with a higher level of commitment to be able to advance to the next, therefore, we consider that applying the organization of the study allows to organize in an efficient way to be able to fulfill his academic responsibilities.</div>
<center></center><center><sub>Public domain image taken from [Pxhere](</sub></center>
<div class="text-justify">In the same sense, it can be said that studying is the learning process that can begin with reading a text, watching a video, listening to an audio or any didactic strategy that ends when the student has assimilated the contents. For this, it is necessary that there is an adequate relationship between the objective of the study and the way or strategy in which the student will assimilate it, so that he can learn and understand the materials presented to him.</div><br>
<div class="text-justify">It is important to set aside time for study and preparation, to make the most of the study time, you should ensure that you have all the necessary material for the subject ready, you should also make sure that your environment is conducive to learning. Prepare yourself mentally and physically by setting aside a time when you can focus exclusively on studying, if possible, try not to have distractions around you such as other people's noises or music.</div>
<center></center><center><sub>Public domain image taken from [Pxhere](</sub></center>
<div class="text-justify">In this same order of ideas, personally we have decided that our son is planned with the academic activities of his educational institute, we begin with guiding him in carrying an agenda where he plans the activities of the week, where he can capture each of the pending activities, the day and the time when he can do them, this with the intention that he can also fulfill the sports activities he performs and in this way he can maintain a balance without the responsibilities overwhelm him and can generate stress and disinterest.</div><br>
<div class="text-justify"><em>Next, based on what was indicated by Gil (2017), some aspects are mentioned that allow academic activities to be organized:</em></div> <br>
- Plan: the activities sent according to their delivery date and what day and time they will be prepared, also plan the subjects and the bibliography that you are going to consult, as well as the order in which you are going to work on them.
- Prepare: Prepare yourself both emotionally and physically for the study, especially if you feel tired or distracted.
- Study: you can do it individually or in a group; choose a comfortable position for yourself and then focus on what you are going to study.
- Practice: you practice what you have learned in order to consolidate it in your memory, for example, repeating words or phrases, writing them down or any other alternative that is useful to practice. <br>
<div class="text-justify">The mentioned aspects, will allow to follow an outline of how to go doing the activities without accumulating, another strategy that will facilitate knowledge, is making a synthesis of what is taught in the classroom by the teacher, summarizing and carefully analyzing the points that are considered important of the subject. It is also important to consider that you should have enough rest to be able to comply with all activities, sleeping the right hours can help keep a brain fresh and prepared to analyze any information provided.</div><br>
|Final considerations|
<div class="text-justify">Dear readers, as it was evident, the planning and preparation of the academic activities in advance will allow us to gather the necessary materials to carry out a certain work, in the case of the study, books, notes, texts written by other authors and audiovisual material such as videos or photographs can be located in time, which will allow us to analyze and acquire knowledge on new topics that will strengthen the academic career of our young people until they reach a professional degree in the different areas of knowledge. </div><br>
<em>Thank you for reading our article, until a next installment. </em>
|Bibliographic references|
- Gil, I. (2017). Study techniques. Didactic publications<br>