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Tx 52e3d706e77e81608eebff511167fb42d84d06e1@65429271

Included in block 65,429,271 at 2022-06-20 11:46:39 (UTC)

52e3d706 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2022-06-20 11:47:36
title"How to talk about the dangers of the internet with children?"
body"Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk a little about the dangers that children can go through on the internet and even us adults!!!
In many cases, the internet is already part of the lives of children, teenagers and adults around the world. We use it to study, work, talk and even play. Given this recurring presence, it is essential to talk about the dangers of the internet with children. This is because it is necessary to guide and guide the younger ones, so that they make good use of digital tools.
Do you know what the dangers of the internet are?
It can be quite difficult to talk to children about the dangers of the internet if you don't know them yourself. Therefore, before talking to the little ones about this subject, it is necessary for the adults themselves to seek better information about how the internet works, its risks and the uses of technology in childhood.
For example, do you know when it's safe to enter your personal and even financial information on a website? Do you know when to click on a link or not? Do you know the terms phishing or malware? So it is. If you are not yet familiar with these issues, a first step is precisely to know more about the dangers of the internet, such as cyber crimes, scams and even cyber bullying.
How to talk about the dangers of the internet with children?
Once you understand a little more about the dangers of the internet, it's time to talk to the little ones about this important subject.
- Set limits and set permissions
Although many children have access to the internet and other digital tools, adults and other responsible people must always be present, leading and guiding their sons and daughters at each new step of this journey. In addition, it is very important to establish limits and permissions, according to the age of the child or teenager.
For example, when will young people be able to have their own cell phone? And from what age can you use social networks? Research what the experts say, set these milestones, and talk about them with your kids. And try not to set abstract limits, like “you can have a cell phone when I trust you”. Be objective, clear and honest. And remember: there's nothing wrong with changing your mind over time, okay? If you realize that the child or teenager is not ready yet, talk calmly and discuss it together.
- Create a safe and secure environment
The most dangerous children can be recognized when the internet believes they are not with or about them. If they believe they will be punished, for example, they can protect themselves from unpleasantness and even violence from those responsible.
So, if you want your children to have the confidence to talk to you about the dangers of the internet, keep the dialogue going, listen carefully and don't criticize your choices in an exaggerated way. Also, seek to understand and welcome the mistakes of children and adolescents. That way, they will feel comfortable to tell you what you want them to be safe.
- Chat about internet content
You know when you comment with your friends about the fun and interesting videos you watched on the internet? Or when you share memes in family groups? Well, do the same with children and teenagers! As long as the content is age-appropriate, let young people participate in conversations and interact with adults about materials that catch their attention. This way, you also keep up to date on what little ones like to consume when they are online. It's a way to stay on top of everything that happens in the children's universe, bring parents and children together and, again, keep the
dialogue always open!
- Teach children to handle suspicious materials
Clicking on unknown links or entering malicious websites is one of the most common ways to fall for scams on the internet. This is because, normally, these links are attractive and offer proposals that look very good. Mainly, for naive and innocent people, like many children and teenagers, for example.
In this sense, reinforce that young people should not click on links, pop-ups or advertisements before showing them to adults. Also, teach kids to be wary of proposals that sound too good, like aggressive discounts and instant prizes.
Also talk about the dangers of entering important information online, such as personal details or banking information. Thus, it is possible to prevent children from exposing sensitive information, which can harm them and even the whole family.
- Reinforce the basic rules of coexistence
Some basic rules of coexistence, which were already widely used before social networks, also apply to the virtual world. More than that, they can avoid many of the dangers of the internet. Some examples are:
• Don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you
• Don't talk to strangers or accept anything from people you don't know
• Don't say something online if you wouldn't say it in person either
• Respect is good and everyone likes!
These simple rules help prevent children and teens from overexposure on the internet. Still, they reinforce that it is necessary to distrust any and all people that we do not know.
- Find kid-friendly content
Children are generally curious. And when exploring the different possibilities that the digital world offers, they can end up falling into real traps. One way to prevent this from happening is to look for apps, websites and software created exclusively for the little ones. In addition to being safe, these children's apps often allow parental control, for example, which helps to further protect children on the internet.
I hope you like it, see you soon friends 😀
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