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Tx 5dd77ddf8e6dc9818668640e87e29f340ff963e3@60930938

Included in block 60,930,938 at 2022-01-14 21:10:45 (UTC)

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expiration2022-01-14 21:20:39
title"New big NFT Trading Card Game - DOCTOR WHO WORLDS APART"
body"###### Hello HIVE Community! :)
How are you doing?
As some of you might now, I am a big gamer ever since. I love playing all kinds of games, from MMOGAs to Shooters, Board Games or Trading Card Games. 🎮🎯🏅
I started collecting trading cards (Magic The Gathering) when I was 8 years old and the very first set of the cards came out in Germany.
The Crypto World is awesome for a gamer, because there are alot of NFT based games, and you can even earn money while playing.
###### I am always looking for new cool games, and a few days ago I found an **awesome new one** in my oppinion: [DOCTOR WHO - WORLDS APART](
I think it´s the first really big NFT game from a major company. I may be wrong about this, because I don`t know the whole market haha. :D But I always thought, when the first big NFT game comes out, I will invest in it.
It´s made by BBC and Reality Gaming Group. So this is a big thing.
No matter if you are a fan of Doctor Who, Trading Card Games or NFTs, you should definitely look into [this](!
###### It is still in Alpha and the third batch of Founder Token Sale is up at the moment.
Well, the Founder Token is quite expensive and it was alot of money for me to invest, but I bought one , cause I am really excited about the project and I think this can be big!
##### There will only be 1963 Founder Tokens in total.
So this can become really high in value when the game gets big. You get alot of value with the token already. See this list:
###### And because of the founder token, I have early access to the game now and can already play. :)
I just started testing it, so I cannot say too much about it yet. I would say the game mechanics has something similiar to Magic The Gathering, but also new aspects I don`t know like this from a Trading Card Game yet.
##### 👁‍🗨Some core facts about the game:
- You play 1 vs. 1 and the goal is to reduce the opponents shield to zero
- You play in turns
- To defeat your opponent you have a set of 50 cards
- This set contains of creatures, affectors, attachments, moments and environments
- You have 5 creature slots and 5 affector slots on your side of the table and one slot for an environment which infuences your whole game
I don´t want to get into detail too much in my first post, because it can get quite overwhelming at first. 😄
###### Let´s only talk about the cards first. Because even if you do not buy a Founder Token, you can already buy card packs and start collecting.
And as far as I understand, you get 3 basic decks for free for playing as soon as the game is launched for everyone. So you do not have to buy packs at all, for playing the game.
A really cool thing which is different than in all the other Trading Card Games I know so far:
You can get all the trading cards available in the game with different frames around the cards. The different frames won´t change the stats of the card. Only the value for reselling the card.
🎮That means:
- If you are (only) a player, and you do not care about finding high value cards for reselling them on the ingame market for real money, you can buy the so called **"CORE PACKS"**. These are the cheapest ones for 5 Dollars. You can get all cards with "normal" frames in here. These packs have **unlimited supply**.
- If you are more the investor kind of person and hope to make money with pulling out great cards of the packs and resell them on the market, you can buy the so called **"ALIEN PACKS"**. These are more expensive (between 20 and 75 Dollars). In these packs are the exact same cards like in the core packs but with different frames. These frames are **limited in supply**, therefore the value of them is much higher than the normal frames.
It will also be possible to level up frames to a better frame later on. But I don´t know yet how this will work.
###### I think this is a great idea! To make cheaper and more expensive versions of the cards. So you don´t have to spend a whole lot of money if you only wanna play and don´t care about valuable cards.
There is also an ingame currency called **PANDAK**.
Later on you will earn this currency for winning games. Now in the alpha state of the game, playing is just for fun and has no effect yet. But this will come later on. You can already earn **PANDAKs** by logging in daily though. You can use this currency to buy new card packs.
Well, there is soooo much more I could tell you about the game already, even though I am totally new to the project and only know bits and pieces about it.
It´s complex, well designed and even in alpha state already a huge universe!
I must admit, I was never a big Doctor Who fan. But this game really interests me, so to understand the whole universe, I will definitely at least watch the Doctor Who series now. 😃
Well, I will continue playing now and do more research on this complex universe. As soon as I got more relevant information, I will let you know! 😊
#### If you want to look at the game, signing up already or even buy a founder token, you can do so [here](
(Of course I would appreciate it, if you use my referral link. 😊)
I hope I got some of you as excited as I am about the game!
If there are any mistakes, I apologize. This topic is all new to me too!
Thanks for reading! 💜
Best regards,
##### RAVEN
# 🎮"
json_metadata"{"app":"hiveblog/0.1","format":"markdown","description":"New big NFT game in alpha state now. This game is worth a look! Founder Tokens are for sale now.","tags":["oneup","gaming","nft","doctorwho","tradingcards","tradingcardgame","ocd","proofofbrain","creativecoin"],"image":["","","","","",""],"links":[""],"users":[]}"