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Tx 87ce335b33f9a66f050ed8c15c13a680b799fe88@53771874

Included in block 53,771,874 at 2021-05-10 16:26:30 (UTC)

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expiration2021-05-10 16:36:21
title"Maintaining an apple orchard. (Post-1)"
body"Hello everyone,
“Maintaining an apple orchard” is going to be a kind of series of posts that I am going to post on HIVE. I am going to write about my experiences of owning and maintaining my apple orchards.
So, today’s post is about cutting of old, dead apple trees. These trees need to be cut as they are of no use. They just occupy space in an orchard. Here is the photograph of one of those dried out apples trees.
We can see the difference in an green, living apple tree and the dead apple tree in this photograph.
This dried out apple tree was looking odd in this lush green orchard and was consuming space of two new apple trees.
It took me three to four minutes to cut this tree down. The task was not done yet. Now the main task of cutting the tree in small blocks started.
I used chainsaw to cut all the heavy chunks of wood in small pieces. These pieces are used in the fireplace during winters.
Now we have to cut the smaller pieces with a sickle. Here’s a photograph of my father cutting those smaller branches.
I also helped in cutting those smaller pieces. After half an hour of hard work we successfully completed the task of cutting the tree. Now the last step was to collect those pieces and take them home.
Here’s my brother collecting the pieces in these orange baskets called “Kilta” in local language. One Kilta weighed around 25 kilograms when completely filled with the wood.
Now the Kilta’s were ready to be picked up. We can also see the empty space created by cutting that dried out tree in this photograph. We’ll be planting new apple trees here during winter time.
It was time to go home now.
There are many things that is needed to be done in an apple orchard. Through this series, I want to make you guys feel the exact meaning of owning an apple orchard. I’ll soon be posting more posts in this title “Maintaining an apple orchard”.
Thanks for passing by.
Love from Himalayas ❤️"
json_metadata"{"tags":["ocd","gems","hive","life","farming","naturalmedicine"],"image":["","","","","","","","",""],"app":"hiveblog/0.1","format":"markdown","description":"Cutting the dead apple trees and making space for newer ones."}"