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Tx b542543357fd3df10f7b2ea7ddcc20d5b49bc30f@55916441

Included in block 55,916,441 at 2021-07-24 07:40:09 (UTC)

b5425433 published a video on 3speak (Hive open mic week 67 cover "I want to look at your beauty" /Hive open mic semana 67 cover "Quiero mirar tu hermosura")

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expiration2021-07-24 07:50:03
title"Hive open mic week 67 cover "I want to look at your beauty" /Hive open mic semana 67 cover "Quiero mirar tu hermosura""
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Hello friends of #hiveopenmic how good is this week's theme "Contemplation" which means deep, deep and intimate observation, this word is very deep as I mentioned before and to connect with you I wanted to sing a song with which I connect with God in intimacy surrendering my being completely to him.
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Hola amigos de #hiveopenmic que bueno es el tema de esta semana "Contemplación" que significa observación profunda, honda e íntima, esta palabra es muy profunda como lo mencioné antes y para conectarme con ustedes quise cantar una canción con la que me conecto con Dios en la intimidad entregando mi ser completamente a él.
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God, I open myself to You
I surrender myself to You, Jesus
I am willing and in your hands
I surrender everything, Lord
Open my eyes, let me see You
Remove the blindfolds that have blinded me
Open my eyes, I want to see you
Show your glory and your great goodness
I want to look upon your beauty
And behold your majesty
Open my eyes, Jesus Christ
Show your glory and your goodness
God, I open myself to You
I surrender myself to You, Jesus
I am willing and in your hands
I surrender all, Lord
Open my eyes, let me see You
Remove the blindfolds that have blinded me
Open my eyes, I want to see you
Show your glory and your great goodness
I want to look upon your beauty
And behold your majesty
Open my eyes, Jesus Christ
Show your glory and your goodness
I want to gaze upon your beauty
And behold your majesty
Open my eyes, Jesus Christ
Show your glory and your goodness
<div class="text-justify"><div class="pull-right">
Dios, me abro a Ti
Me entrego a Ti, Jesús
Estoy dispuesto y en tus manos
Lo rindo todo, Señor
Abre mis ojos, déjame verte
Quita las vendas que me han cegado
Abre mis ojos, yo quiero verte
Muestra tu gloria y tu gran bondad
Quiero mirar tu hermosura
Y contemplar tu majestad
Abre mis ojos, Jesucristo
Muestra tu gloria y tu bondad
Dios, me abro a Ti
Me entrego a Ti, Jesús
Estoy dispuesto y en tus manos
Lo rindo todo, Señor
Abre mis ojos, déjame verte
Quita las vendas que me han cegado
Abre mis ojos, yo quiero verte
Muestra tu gloria y tu gran bondad
Quiero mirar tu hermosura
Y contemplar tu majestad
Abre mis ojos, Jesucristo
Muestra tu gloria y tu bondad
Quiero mirar tu hermosura
Y contemplar tu majestad
Abre mis ojos, Jesucristo
Muestra tu gloria y tu bondad
<p><center><div class="phishy">
▶️ [3Speak](
json_metadata"{"tags":["threespeak","music","musicforlife","livemusic","ocd"],"app":"3speak/0.3.0","type":"3speak/video","image":[""],"video":{"info":{"platform":"3speak","title":"Hive open mic week 67 cover \"I want to look at your beauty\" /Hive open mic semana 67 cover \"Quiero mirar tu hermosura\"","author":"jontv","permlink":"uguccukq","duration":183.856,"filesize":37471074,"file":"GtLIIDzTLtmfkzvUBPlAAHCmqPzMJyWmWMjgdfQnByURwRewOzKJNadXWQjtmadR.mp4","lang":"es","firstUpload":false,"ipfs":"QmVXy5AN5ybfY3AaqqJ2mP6VEHM8LC1JKg49YJY59oB8fW/default.m3u8","ipfsThumbnail":"QmVXy5AN5ybfY3AaqqJ2mP6VEHM8LC1JKg49YJY59oB8fW/thumbnail.png"},"content":{"description":"<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n![img_0.7695321772235952.jpg](\nHello friends of #hiveopenmic how good is this week's theme \"Contemplation\" which means deep, deep and intimate observation, this word is very deep as I mentioned before and to connect with you I wanted to sing a song with which I connect with God in intimacy surrendering my being completely to him.\n\n\n</div>\n\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n![img_0.5686748696053058.jpg](\nHola amigos de #hiveopenmic que bueno es el tema de esta semana \"Contemplación\" que significa observación profunda, honda e íntima, esta palabra es muy profunda como lo mencioné antes y para conectarme con ustedes quise cantar una canción con la que me conecto con Dios en la intimidad entregando mi ser completamente a él.\n\n</div>\n\n_______________________________________________\n_______________________________________________\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-left\">\n\nLYRICS\nGod, I open myself to You\nI surrender myself to You, Jesus\nI am willing and in your hands\nI surrender everything, Lord\n\nOpen my eyes, let me see You\nRemove the blindfolds that have blinded me\nOpen my eyes, I want to see you\nShow your glory and your great goodness\n\nI want to look upon your beauty\nAnd behold your majesty\nOpen my eyes, Jesus Christ\nShow your glory and your goodness\n\nGod, I open myself to You\nI surrender myself to You, Jesus\nI am willing and in your hands\nI surrender all, Lord\n\nOpen my eyes, let me see You\nRemove the blindfolds that have blinded me\nOpen my eyes, I want to see you\nShow your glory and your great goodness\n\nI want to look upon your beauty\nAnd behold your majesty\nOpen my eyes, Jesus Christ\nShow your glory and your goodness\n\nI want to gaze upon your beauty\nAnd behold your majesty\nOpen my eyes, Jesus Christ\nShow your glory and your goodness\n\n\n</div>\n\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n LETRA\n\nDios, me abro a Ti\nMe entrego a Ti, Jesús\nEstoy dispuesto y en tus manos\nLo rindo todo, Señor\n\nAbre mis ojos, déjame verte\nQuita las vendas que me han cegado\nAbre mis ojos, yo quiero verte\nMuestra tu gloria y tu gran bondad\n\nQuiero mirar tu hermosura\nY contemplar tu majestad\nAbre mis ojos, Jesucristo\nMuestra tu gloria y tu bondad\n\nDios, me abro a Ti\nMe entrego a Ti, Jesús\nEstoy dispuesto y en tus manos\nLo rindo todo, Señor\n\nAbre mis ojos, déjame verte\nQuita las vendas que me han cegado\nAbre mis ojos, yo quiero verte\nMuestra tu gloria y tu gran bondad\n\nQuiero mirar tu hermosura\nY contemplar tu majestad\nAbre mis ojos, Jesucristo\nMuestra tu gloria y tu bondad\n\nQuiero mirar tu hermosura\nY contemplar tu majestad\nAbre mis ojos, Jesucristo\nMuestra tu gloria y tu bondad\n\n</div>\n\n\n _____________________________________________\n\n <p><center><div class=\"phishy\"> \n\nTHANK YOU FOR VISITING MY BLOG\n\nGRACIAS POR VISITAR MI BLOG </div>\n</center></p>\n\n![img_0.9256799699406977.jpg](\n\n![img_0.5429974496321337.jpg](\n\n</div>","tags":["threespeak","music","musicforlife","livemusic","ocd"]}}}"
json"{"author":"jontv","permlink":"uguccukq","category":"general","language":"es","duration":183.856,"title":"Hive open mic week 67 cover \"I want to look at your beauty\" /Hive open mic semana 67 cover \"Quiero mirar tu hermosura\""}"