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expiration2022-12-05 01:17:15
title"Fascist league, The reality show - by The Idealist (October 23, 2022)"
Fascist trades detected:
Ursula Von Der Leyen, former WEF Board of trustees member, EU President –is pushing for ChatControl legislation that provides the states powers to scan and read peoples private communications in real time; pushing for massive EU Militarization and strong borders; favoritism to US based corporations, instead of using Europe based companies; manipulating popular opinion in EU’s social media platforms; negligence on Europeans wellbeing in time of crisis, placing personal interests and ego above everything; and forgetting EU values, replacing them with US interests.
Sanna Mari, WEF young leader and Prime Minister of Finland – is promoting discrimination against Russians, that can be understood as racism against certain group of people based on their origins.
Annalena Baerbock, WEF young leader, Foreign Minister, Germany recently made a statement that she doesn’t care what the Germans think, she continues to support war in Ukraine, without including possibility of enforcing for diplomatic solutions. According to German constitution, when the government fails it duty to the citizens, the citizens are entitled to rebellion and calling for change of government.
Joe Biden, President of the USA, is fueling global unrest in several fronts; he has failed to drop the charges against Julian Assange who was arrested under Trump administration. Like any fascist leader he is unable to admit to the war crimes from the past, knowing that they happened; the immigration camps still exist; and as despising the American citizens, the amount of people sleeping at the street has steadily grown, while the military budget is over expanding.
Elon Musk, Billionaire has also fascist trades in his regard to gender equality and women.
Vladimir Putin, is traditional example of a Dictator, often seen in corporatism; he rules the media and decides what they write; anyone questioning his power is subject to brutal beatings and imprisonment.
Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader has classical concentration camps for Uighur minority, a proof of typical fascist racism against religion and ethnicity.
There are hundreds more worth of mentioning, fascism isn’t as it used to be in 1938-1945, it has changed among the times. However, the methods haven’t, the end result is the same global destruction by people who have over inflated egos and are misusing their power.
Not a single government institution is under people power today, not even the parliaments. For things to change and cutoff the head of fascist trades the power of balance needs shifting. Change is starting from looking the truth directly in the eyes, not lowering ones gaze, hoping things change on their own.
People who are helping the present power to get away with their propaganda and are working for benefit of the governments are doing unimaginable damage to the resistant and activism. Loyalty and trust belong to the people, not the fascists governments that cheer seeing the people divided. “Who’s side you decide to be?”
The common misunderstanding of fascism is that it mainly describes far right, supremacist, nationalism and racist political standing. Generally perceived highly undesirable element in societies that lived through the era of Hitler and the consequences after his fall.
“Fascism is a government marked by centralization of authority under a Dictator, a Capitalistic economy, subject to stringent governments controls, militarism, violent suppression of opposition, and typically, but not always, a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.”
If we are thinking deeper the meaning of above definition, its clear that today’s systems have fascism embedded to in its style and force. The global leaders are forming a system, that gives zero tolerance to opposition, is driven by capitalistic economies, both in Westerns and Socialist countries. Increasing militarization and powers to the governments to influence and manipulate the public opinion. The propaganda machines run hot in all countries, feeding information that is one of the political, power and control oriented, has little to do with the truth, civilians well being, compassion and humanity. If they repeat the same lies often enough, people will eventually start believing on what they are saying.
Today’s governance trends are abolishing the meaning, that fascism can be applied only in context of typical far right or left supremacist movements.
Read more:"
json_metadata"{"tags":["hive-122315","wef","agenda2030","joebiden","donaldtrump","xijinping","fascism","politics"],"image":[""],"links":[""],"app":"hiveblog/0.1","format":"markdown","description":"Fascist league, The reality show - by The Idealist (October 23, 2022)","author":"yourmarklubbers"}"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD