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Tx bf45cd2ed1851908b043a7da76c8ce48012fd7ad@46011080

Included in block 46,011,080 at 2020-08-13 14:33:48 (UTC)

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expiration2020-08-13 14:43:42
title"Behind this Glass | Drawing with the Note 10+"
body"In my eternal quest to improving in this craft, I keep searching for references to draw that would challenge me. I found this really [aesthetic reference photograph]( on Pinterest took a lot more hits in drawing this than I bargained for. 😅
Anyone who has been following my works in the last couple of days will know that I am trying to improve my skills in painting objects. I made it my daily routine to find nice references with objects or food or foliage and to draw them every night after work.
So far I'd done one with [liquid](, [man-made environment](, [foliage and shadows](, and [food]( Looking at them through a collage excites me, because I find that I am slowly improving at this. (At this rate, I can finally face my held up WIPs that are too ambitious for their own good LOL.)
## Drawing *Behind this Glass*
I chose [this reference]( because it has something that I would (normally) adamantly avoid.
A glass. The thick, icy kind. And reflections of light off it.
And, like I earlier mentioned, it had a lot of difficulty to it than I bargained for. The skin was way too difficult to color! I *swear* it took me *five* different trials to get it. I just didn't show it in the GIF below, but had I included those trials, the GIF would take forever to loop because of too many trials and errors.
The reflected light was an even more grueling task. In the end, I had to paint them on a separate layer, change the opacity to a lower setting, then just generally play around with it until I got something that resembles a decent reflected light.
The glass was my favorite part, though! It wasn't easy, too, and I definitely left out a lot of other details (because I couldn't get them right), but I still enjoyed painting it in.
In the end, I don't think it looked too shabby. ;)
### Details
* *Device:* Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
* *Apps:*
* [MediBang Paint]( for Android
* *Brushes:* watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity); blur
## Notes
My last drawing (the one with the muffin) received lots of love from friends, family, and strangers alike on my social media. There were really sweet strangers messaging me about my works (that they saw because they came across the muffin drawing), and I felt like I'm finally doing something right. Hahaha! Of course, I also received lots of sweet comments here, too, but I am really still in awe of how the world wide web just works.
Anyway, I hope everyone's doing all right! Drawing has been keeping me relatively sane, how about you?
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