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Tx dbdb73e05ab3cdb2476f7168a67d49e4266cfe13@53924809

Included in block 53,924,809 at 2021-05-16 00:02:48 (UTC)

dbdb73e0 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2021-05-16 00:12:42
title"🦵Week 1 : Legs - 50/50 Liift Workout 🦵"
body"## <center> 🦵Week 1 : Legs - 50/50 Liift Workout 🦵</center>
Well Day 4 in the books.Another hard one, but I kinda like the hard work. Today was a tough weight lifting day as you will see with the gifs below. Also, There are 3 blocks of weightlifting, 1 block of hiit and 1 block of Core.There are 2 weghtlifting moves in this block each bock still has 3 rounds and 10 reps each. So a lot of weghtliftng today! Even though I love strength training,was tough work! However you have the evil hiit after the weight lifting, which was even harder!
## <center> 🏋️‍♀️ Block 1: Front Loaded Squat and Deadlift !🏋️‍♀️ </center>
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# Definitely Can Tell it is Leg day!
**Yup this program doesn’t play around. First move is front loaded squat, this move I love to do, even though they are quite are challenging!.Did 8 pounds weights for this move. Second move is deadlift it was so much fun. Did 8 pounds to pace myself , glad I did that because by the 3rd round I Felt it!**
## <center> 🏋️‍♀️ Block 2: Sumo Squat and Reverse Lunges!🏋️‍♀️ </center>
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# Feel The Burn of Leg Day!
**First move is sumo squat, which was challenging but the fun kind! Did eight pounds to pace myself. Next move is reverse alternating lunges! Goodness gracious I hate this one. Always hating lunges only could do 8 pounds with this on but I felt it!**
### <center> 🏋️‍♀️ Block 3: Weighted Bridge and Calf Raise!🏋️‍♀️ </center>
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## Bridges and Calf Raises I Will Defeat You!
**First move is weighted bridges.Decided to challnge my self did 8 pounds and I felt it! However, I finished it, and in the end that all that matters! Next move is calf raises. I actually like this , did 8 pounds to challenge myself. I definately felt it! Might regret that tomorrow.**
### <center> 🏃‍♀️ Block 4: Hiit Time: High Knees, Triple Bear and Squat Jacks! 🏃‍♀️ </center>
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## HIIT Time: Here Comes The Cardio!
**For the hiit block or as I like to call the torture block! First you do high knees 60 seconds, which is quite challgeing to do this for that long! Second move triple bear but the move was too hard so I hold the high plank moe for 45 seconds instead. The thrid move you do is squat jacks for 30 seconds. I just say I’m glad its only 30 seconds! It’s tough but I pushed through!**
# <center> 🥵 Block 5: Prayer Crunch and High Plank!🥵 </center>
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# <center>Core Time!</center>
***The first move is prayer crunches. Even though I hate crunches I pushed through! You put your hands togther and crunch up. Next move is plank leg lifts but had to modify it again and did high plank! Each move was 30 seconds per round and I felt it! I hate modifying but since I'm still recovering from covid, got take it easy, like my doctor said.***
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### 🤔 Final Thoughts On Leg Day Liift4 Workout 🤔
> **Well definitley challenging but I love the weightlifting. Probably my favorite thing so far.Even though you do 30 reps total for each move, once you complete all the rounds. The core and hiit moves are challenging and what I struggled with the most but I knew once I got through the core version it was all over. I am glad to do a lot of weight lifting today. I do wonder how sore I be tomorrow , looking forward to it lol**
# <center>🌟Woohoo I Survived the Workout🌟</center>
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<div class="text-justify">I may be wiped out, but I am glad I finished. Even though I had to take a few breaks. At the end of the day, I finished my workout at my pace and did the best I can! I may not break any records but I am one step closer to achieving my goal to be at a more healthy weight!</div>
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## Are you doing any workouts or following a certain workout program?
## Are you just doing a cardio program?
## Does it involve weights or a mixture of both?
## Let me know in the comments!
###### Side Note: Pictures were made by me or made with bitmoji app. Gifs made with giphycam and giftshop apps Banners made from @calumam. Click on the following link to get a free to use steemit monsters banner!"
max_accepted_payout1,000,000.000 HBD