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title"Drake of Arnak: The Dragon-Shield Summoner and the Earth team - Splinterlands Challenge"
body"<div class= "text-justify">
### <center>OUTLINE OF THE POST</center>
- Introduction
- My Battle
--Rules of the Battle
- My Strategy and Line-up
--My Summoner
--My Monsters
- Summary of the Battle
- Did your strategy work?
- Appreciation
***My Splinterlands in-game username is @iamkaysam***
This is the weekly Challenge of SHARE YOUR BATTLE, and the Theme for the Week is **DRAGONS**
![3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo5et65uoFdcatfj9oE5UsHkNUREeKKdnLpKEAirJbMBU71BPt636ZERfpxzaUZdsCE3nRirjtD6kdZVKGpFqpvQUc653XSUAhC (3).png](
Hello my viewer and all Hivians, Welcome to my Gaming Space where I give detailed analysis of my Splinterlands Battle.
The theme of this week is Dragon and for this week I'll give the analysis of my battle using a Dragon Summoner and Monsters from the earth Splinter. I hope you learn one or two from this analysis, or you can also suggest some tips for me, I'll be grateful.
### <center>**βš” MY BATTLE βš”**</center>
ClickΒ [here](Β to watch the battle
My battle was against Alverated who chose Summoner and Monsters from the Primal Force of Water. On the other hand, I selected my Summoner from the Primal Force of Dragon and my Monsters from the Primal Force of Earth.
#### <center>**πŸ“ RULES OF THE BATTLE**</center>
*The rules of the game were:*
- Standard Game: which means no changes, modification or addition to the normal playing techniques.
- Mana Cap of 30
- Elements that can be used include all: Water, fire, Earth, light, death and dragon.
### <center>**MY STRATEGY 🎯 AND LINE-UP β™Ÿ**</center>
*For my strategy, here are my Summoner and Monsters, and I'll tell you why I chose each Summoner and Monsters.*
### <center>**MEET MY SUMMONER**</center>
![Drake of Arnak.png](
### **LORE**
> The Drake of Arnak is a medium-sized Dragon hybrid. He is highly intelligent and extremely rich, but cannot fly nor breathe fire. All his life he has honed his skills as a summoner, hoping to win a share of the glory that should rightfully be his as a carrier of the fire blood. The Drake's trademark is that his monsters are summoned to battle with a thin force field of blue fire, fortifying their defenses. Forms have been filed by the High Council to formally request that the Drake of Arnak hand over his secrets for the good of the united Gloridax, but he will not give up his proprietary magic without a fight. The Drake of Arnak is the Gloridax rival of Daria Dragonscale; the two despise one another.
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I chose this Dragon Summoner to partake in the challenge of the week. However, this was the only Dragon Summoner available for me. It is not bad also, as it gives one shield to friendly Monsters.
![k75bsZMwYNu2L3iBMXq5y7xeiy1isFJsZxnMZSXuXEsxe4ee1cUkGyPbBYNJKAuKh4kUSzcU11pNPtkf1HgSDE4j991nSB6eKMECmKRgeYnccmxv8WjBuFsFzztn5byM72PvD3dxbWzn8kTyvwgVEMW754s6dUgdj (2).gif](
#### <center>MEET MY MONSTERS</center>
![Venari Knifer.png](
> Venari Knifers are specialized rogues, assassins, and thieves that make their living through shadier dealings in the Realm of Silence underneath Praetoria. They often work as part of criminal organizations or guilds, taking on contracts to put more gold in their pockets. When the Chaos Legion's agents came to Praetoria, many Venari Knifers saw them as new benefactors for their mercenary work. Using the tunnels that run beneath the surface world, the Knifers move like shadows in the night to strike at their opponents.
> Like the rest of their kin, Knifers are masters of tools and technology. They've used their knowledge to perfect the Knifer Rig. A deadly weapon powered by magic and pneumatics, Knifer Rigs consist of six fully articulated blades and rods carried on the back. When not in use, they fold away neatly and unobtrusively. When employed, however, they are silent, speedy, and absolutely deadly.
![Orc Sergeant.png](
> The Lyverian army has found that troops are best trained by an Orc. Their ugliness scares recruits into line, and they are always shouting and snarling, even when calm. Orcs and their families are well rewarded in seed coins for their service to the Kingdom of Lyveria.
![Spirit Hoarder (1).png](
> Described as almost dryad-like in its appearance by the few that have lived to tell the tale, the Spirit Hoarder is a faceless creature aside from two large, yellow eyes. Its body is a deep green with tributaries of aqua blue running through its skin, converging into jagged dorsal vertebrae along its back, and the uneven ruts of its head almost look like broken wood jutting away from the otherwise smooth and serene outline of its body. The alien appearance of this creature makes it difficult to tell where it resided on its home world, and it is likely at some point in evolution its habitat was in water, but now it is clear that it makes its home on solid ground and is completely terrestrial.
![Goblin Psychic (2).png](
> The Magi Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities. It isn't just a gift Goblins can learn, but due to the proximity of Gobson, Goblins tend to show up more frequently. The Magi who calls the tower home, enjoys teaching the art of using one's mind to move objects and read thoughts. Goblin Psychics use their abilities to perform work in Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full fledged Summoner.
![Regal Peryton.png](
> They say there is nothing more beautiful than a Regal Peryton. They prefer to live in the mountains all across the Splinterlands, rarely seen by others. When they soar through the skies, the sunlight catches through their wings and creates rainbows underneath them. Regal Perytons are highly intelligent and consider themselves noble guardians of the natural world, using their magic to help others.
![Mycelic Morphoid (1).png](
> Mycelic Morphoids are in a constant state of growth and development. As part of Queen Mycelia's brood, Morphoids work to spread the growing blight on Praetoria. Infected themselves by the poison, they take root near streams and rivers, contaminating it with the blight. In turn, the waters feed them, and a second Morphoid sprouts from the original. Together, the two travel as one until they split and continue the process.
![k75bsZMwYNu2L3iBMXq5y7xeiy1isFJsZxnMZSXuXEsxe4ee1cUkGyPbBYNJKAuKh4kUSzcU11pNPtkf1HgSDE4j991nSB6eKMECmKRgeYnccmxv8WjBuFsFzztn5byM72PvD3dxbWzn8kTyvwgVEMW754s6dUgdj (2).gif](
#### <center>WHY I CHOSE MY MONSTERS</center>
| Monster Name | Image | Reason for Choosing |
| - | - | - |
| ***Venari Knifer*** | | Whenever I play with the Earth Splinter, Venari Knifer is always my first position Monster because of her "attack and defense strategy." I call this so because of her Thorns effect for defense and good attack effect for the offensive. Thus, with the addition of Shield from the Dragon Summoner, Drake of Arnak, it gives her extra boost on the defensive side. |
| ***Orc Sergeant*** | | The manacap of the battle was average and so it gave me the opportunity to pick good Monsters. The Orc Sergeant is a Monster with good health and reach ability. I chose it at this second position because of Its reach ability so that it can assist the Venari Knifer. |
| ***Spirit Hoarder*** | | I enjoy using the Spirit Hoarder in battles because of its ability of Triage to strengthen and heal the weaker Monsters. However, it also has good attack as well. |
| ***Goblin Psychic*** | | The Goblin Psychic is another monster I love using because of its Tank heal ability, with this ability it strengthens the first position Monster. Thus, this Monster will help my Venari Knifer and continously strengthen her in battle. |
| ***Regal Peryton*** | | Initially, I placed the Regal Peryton at the last position because it can evade attacks from my opponent's sneak Monsters, plus it has good attack as well. However, since there was 1 mana left, I brought in another Monster to fill in the space. So that when it gets killed, the Regal Peryton can take over. |
| ***Mycelic Morphoid*** | | I placed this Monster at this position as a sacrificial lamb πŸ˜…πŸ˜… |

![k75bsZMwYNu2L3iBMXq5y7xeiy1isFJsZxnMZSXuXEsxe4ee1cUkGyPbBYNJKAuKh4kUSzcU11pNPtkf1HgSDE4j991nSB6eKMECmKRgeYnccmxv8WjBuFsFzztn5byM72PvD3dxbWzn8kTyvwgVEMW754s6dUgdj (2).gif](
### <center>***COMMENTARY AND SUMMARY ON THE BATTLE***</center>
#### ***ENTRANCE**
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_1.gif](
#### ***RUMBLE***
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_2.gif](
At the beginning of the Battle, the following events happened:
β˜† My opponent's Summoner, Kelya Fredul gave my opponent's Monsters 1 shield each.
β˜† My Monster, Drake of Arnak, gave my Monsters 1 shield each.
### <center>**ROUND ONE**</center>
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_3.gif](
β˜† The first round was a tough one with both teams unleashing all they've got against the other. No casualty was recorded in this round.

### <center>**ROUND TWO**</center>
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_4.gif](
β˜† The second round began with the defeat of my opponent's first position Monster. I am sure it threw them off balance.
β˜† In as much as they continued to attack my team, they attacks were futile because of my constant Healers and strong monsters.
### <center>**ROUND THREE**</center>
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_5.gif](
β˜† round 3 ended with the loss of another monster from my opponent's team. This signalled game over for them because my team members were still complete and ready for more engagement.
### <center>**ROUND FOUR**</center>
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_6.gif](
β˜† My opponent was left with 2 Monsters, while I had my 6 Monsters untouched.
β˜† At the end of this round, one of his monsters was defeated and he was left with only a ranged-attack Monster. It was helpless at this point.
### <center>**ROUND FIVE**</center>
![Project_06-27_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30_7.gif](
β˜† My opponent's Monster, Supply Runner was incapacitated at this point.
β˜† This round was so short as the magic attack from my Regal Peryton defeated the Supply Runner and this led to my Victory.
### <center>***....I WON THE BATTLE!!!***</center>
I won the battle with my whole team in tact and it was a win streak πŸ’ͺ 😎
### <center>**DID YOUR STRATEGY WORK?**</center>
My strategy worked so well, but I feel my opponent didn't choose the best team with the manacap provided for the game
***Click [here]( to watch the battle***
If you haven't joined the Splinterlands game or started playing, I invite you go join using the link below.
[Click to join](
Your comments will be highly appreciated as it'll help me improve my strategy and understanding of the game.
Line Dividers gotten from @clove71 @splinterland and @cieliss
### <center> **I AM KSAM**</center>
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<div class="text-justify"> <sub>@ksam is a "uniquely creative" Hive lover who combines his musical, writing, linguistic, video and audio editing skills to promote creativity and ideas in the Hive Community. He is a "crytopreneur" and a game lover. You can follow him to view more tutorials and critical analysis of @splinterlands and @psyberx games.</sub> </div>
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