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Tx f93a8490d2d9d782baac5d6d50ceadefe0cf5249@50821312

Included in block 50,821,312 at 2021-01-28 01:15:06 (UTC)

f93a8490 comment options: 100.0% HBD, allow votes: true, allow curation rewards: true

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expiration2021-01-28 01:25:03
title"Natural Medicine: Healing, Self-Help and Radical Self-Reliance — A New Direction!"
body"The vast majority of my writing over the past 20 years have been in the form of psychobabble. You might not know it, simply from following these pages, but I write a *lot* on the topics of psychology, trauma, self-inquiry, introspection and healing the mind/spirit.
Of course, I am *not* a trained therapist, nor do I own a PhD in psychology, psychiatry, social work or anything like that. In fact, I come by all my psychobabble from simple observation of — and interaction with — the human condition.
Well, that's not *entirely* true, as I did take dozens of psychology courses in college, *in spite* of the fact that I was a finance major and these classes had *nothing* to do with my primary field. I just found them *interesting.*
There's a funny dichotomy involved in writing commentary about the human mind, spirit and the things that drive an individual to seek some version of personal growth and eventual self-actualization: Even though many people seem to find those words both *helpful and interesting,* my writings on the things that motivate us and make us tick are barely even *"blog worthy,"* as writing.
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And they are certainly not publishable as *articles,* because I am unfortunately chronically undercredentialed, in such a context. How *"dare"* I have an opinion (insightful, or otherwise) if I don't have the right set of initials to put behind my name?
In terms of sheer volume, I have probably written the equivalent of about *six 300-page books* on the topics of finding peace within oneself, ADHD, Sensory-processing Sensitivity, The Enneagram, Human Design, creating life purpose and on the dynamics and interactions in relationships — from friendships, to family, to work, to love.
With the exception of a handful of e-zines and limited circulation newsletters, none of this body of information has ever found its way into print. I'd love to say that it's because my opinions are *"unpopular,"* or something like that — but the deeper truth is that I am just *"a guy with an opinion,"* and that opinion doesn't doesn't come attached to a body of books, workshops and a $199 DVD study course.
Of course, some of my opinions *are* unpopular, because I tend to take the psychological establishment and greater healing field to task over their often myopic viewpoints of How Things Work, along with a typically *westernized* focus on *"treatment"* rather than actual *"healing."*
Pardon my cynicism, but you can't keep people as reliable *"profit centers"* if you *heal* them to the point where they no longer *need* you!
Lest this sounds like I am poking around at the edges of a pity party, let me assure you I am not. I am just sort of musing out loud.
## *My Motivation...*
... in writing this post was somewhat inspired by **@whatamidoing's** recent **[post about the Natural Medicine Community](** and how to potentially turn it into another powerhouse Hive sidechain like LeoFinance and 3Speak.
Since the community deals with an area of interest to both myself and my wife, it seems like the time is right to start in on creating content specifically tailored *to* that audience... not a stretch for me, since I've already been writing that kind of content for 20-odd years. Not a stretch for *her,* either... if she can make the time!
So, with no further ado, this is my attempt at posting *from* the **[Natural Medicine Front End](** with an eye towards building a bit of a body of content there, ahead of starting to promote the community to a *broader audience outside Hive.*
It's small steps at this point, but it's one of the communities I'd really like to see grow and thrive, because it offers *"softer"* content as a contrast to blockchain-crypto-developer-tech content,
As they say, even the *longest* journey starts with a single step!
Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!
***How about YOU? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!***
*Greetings bloggers and social content creators! This article was created via PeakD, a blogging application that's part of the Hive Social Content Experience. If you're a blogger, writer, poet, artist, vlogger, musician or other creative content wizard, come join us! Hive is a little "different" because it's not run by a "company;" it operates via the consensus of its users and your content can't be banned, censored, taken down or demonetized. And that COUNTS for something, in these uncertain times! So if you're ready for the next generation of social content where YOU retain ownership and control, come by and* ***[learn about Hive and make an account!](***
Proud member of the <a href="">Natural Medicine Community</a> on Hive!
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*(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20210127 17:15 PST*
<center>Posted on [](</center>"
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